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Norse Mythology Discussion with Dr. Toni Holland


Monday, August 05, 2024, to Monday, November 18, 2024

Event Contact(s)

Adriana B Diesen
Snorre President



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About this event

Norse Mythology Discussion Series
with Dr. Toni Hoven-Hollan

On behalf of Snorre's Board of Directors our utmost thanks to Dr. Holland for her willingness to offer us such a valuable program, completely free of charge.

Dr. Holland's recommended translation is Jackson Crawford's "The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes" (Hackett Classics).  Purchase The Poetic Edda

You also have the option to use the PDF version of the book using the following link. PDF Version The Poetic Edda 

BIO: A member of Snorre, Dr. Toni Holland is a renowned English & Humanities professor and the Director of HCC Honors College Southeast. Her PhD is in Poetry and Poetics. The Library of Congress lists her dissertation online as a reference to US Poets Laureate. Dr. Holland is a Fulbright recipient who has taught American, British, Canadian, and world literature in universities and colleges. Also a poet, her publications include Literary Matters, Fare Forward, Jelly Bucket, Illay's Honey, Solstice Review, Potomac Review, Blue Unicorn, The Tau, and Rip Rap. Her poet residencies include The Millay Colony, The Vermont Studio Center, and Shakespeare and Company in Paris, France. As a professor, Dr. Holland has a background in teaching Greek and Roman mythology.

As to her ancestry, Dr. Holland descends from one of the original Norwegian families that settled in Minnesota in the mid-1800s.


Between 8/05 and 11/18 (7PM - 8PM), Dr. Holland will hold weekly live-stream sessions on Norse mythology. Participants may attend one or all sessions.

August 5: The Prophecy of Ragnarok

August 12: The Counsel of Odin the One-Eyed

August 19: Odin's Contest with Riddle-Weaver

August 26: The Words of Odin in Disguise

September 2: The Journey of Skirnir on Behalf of Frey

September 9: The Taunting of Thor by Odin

September 16: The Fetching of the Cauldron

September 23: Loki's Taunts

September 30: The Theft of Mjollnir

October 7: The Escape of Volund the Smith

October 14: The Words of All-Wise

October 21: Balder's Dreams

October 28: The Tale of Rig

November 4: The Short Prophecy of Ragnarok

November 11: The Song of Grotti

November 18: Gather in person to celebrate the completion of one of the major parts of Poetic Edda (TBC)